A Wedding
Weddings are such intense things. Over the weekend, K and I were helping out at a friend's wedding, taking photographs, and we were exhausted.
The pace of the day was what got us. Memorable last minute runs include:
- rushing to town to buy shoes (her) and cufflinks (me) the night before the wedding;
- last minute equipment check for camera gear, when I suddenly realised that I didn't have any Tri-X in 35mm - only medium format. classic oh-shit moment, at 11pm the night before the wedding, resulting in post-Church service run to Ron's to get 12 rolls of Tri-X;
- having the flash we borrowed from her dad conk out on us the morning of the wedding (leading to a spectacular pre-wedding-dinner run to Cathay Photos to get an SB-800 Speedlight - in my dress shirt and shoes, with K in the car outside, engine running, dashing into the shop to make what must surely have been the fastest ever Speedlight purchase in Cathay's history. I should've made a scene of it, in my best poncy accent - "A Nikon Speedlight my good man - and hurry, there's not a moment to lose! The future happiness of two young people absolutely depend on it!". Never spent so much money so quickly before).
All this between trying to dress up, look good, and not sweat, for crying out loud. I didn't realise how stressful it would be being responsible for photographing someone's wedding - suddenly, you feel burdened by the thought that the happy couple may never have a visual record of some important event on their wedding day - did we get a photograph of them kissing? of him lifting the veil? putting on the rings? doing that thing with the candles? I must add that the couple themselves were perfectly cool - they were remarkably nonchalant about the photography - it was K and I who were sweating it out!